5 Signs Your Child May Need a Frenectomy

5 Signs Your Child May Need a Frenectomy

Do you suspect that your child may have a lip or tongue tie? Did some of your mom friends suggest that your baby has a tongue or lip tie and they may need a frenectomy? 

While all this might sound scary, know that tongue ties are quite common and about 5% of babies have one. A tongue tie occurs when your baby's frenulum (the tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) is too tight. In the case of a lip tie, the skin of the upper lip is connected to the gums. 

If that's the case, your pediatric dentist may recommend a frenectomy, which is a simple and noninvasive procedure. But first, let's look at some signs that answers your question i.e. Should my baby have a frenectomy. 

5 Signs That Shows Your Child Need a Frenectomy

1. Trouble Breastfeeding

One of the major signs that your child may need a frenectomy is difficulty while breastfeeding. If your child can't move their upper lip or tongue properly, that may make latching more difficult. Your baby may not be able to latch at all or latch too deeply, which will make it difficult for them to get enough milk and feed properly. 

Signs of poor breastfeeding includes weight loss, frequent feedings, sore nipples, blocked ducts, pain while breastfeeding, and so on.

2. Difficulty Eating 

A tongue tie will not only affect your child's ability to breastfeed but eat too. Because their tongue has a limited range of motion and can't sit in the proper position when resting, it can be difficult for them to swallow. 

3. Speech Impediment 

Another sign that your child might benefit from a frenectomy is if you notice that they've developed speech development. As we said, a tongue tie limits the tongue's range of motion, which makes it more difficult for your child to pronounce certain sounds. 

4. Mouth Breathing 

Because your baby's connective tissue is too short, the tongue will sit too low in the mouth and it will not make contact with the roof of the mouth. This can lead to a lower palate, which will make nasal breathing more difficult. If you notice that your baby is breathing through their mouth even though they don't have a stuffy nose, then that may be a sign of a tongue tie and your child may need a frenectomy. 

5. Gap Between Upper Two Front Teeth 

A lip tie may affect the position of your child's upper teeth and cause a gap between their two front teeth. 

Are Frenectomies Safe? 

Frenectomies are completely safe and quite a simple procedure. The dentist will numb the area, so you can rest assured that your child won't feel a thing. At Memorial Children’s Dentistry, we use a CO2 laser to release the frenulum and the entire frenectomy procedure only takes a few seconds. This way, we make sure that the discomfort your baby will feel after is minimal and that the recovery period is faster.

How To Know If Your Baby Has a Lip Tie?

Lip tie in babies can sometimes be identified by observing if the upper lip doesn't flange out properly while breastfeeding or if there's difficulty latching. A pediatrician or lactation consultant can provide a definitive diagnosis and suggest appropriate treatment if needed.

Can Lip Tie Cause Gap in Teeth?

Yes, lip tie can potentially contribute to a gap in the front teeth. When the upper lip is tethered too tightly to the gums due to a lip tie, it may restrict the movement of the lip, leading to a gap between the front teeth as they grow in. Consulting with a pediatric dentist or orthodontist can provide insight into any dental issues related to lip tie.

What Is The Skin That Connects Upper Lip And Gums?

The skin that connects the upper lip to the gums is called the "labial frenulum" or "maxillary frenulum.

If you suspect that your child needs a frenectomy, get in touch with us now to book your appointment

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